How to Drain a Toilet for Removal With 5 Methods

Project Overview
  • Working Time: 15 - 26 mins
  • Total Time: 15 - 30 mins
  • Skill Level: Beginner

The work of repairing a toilet or replacing it with a new model often requires that the toilet bowl and tank be completely drained of water. The question of how to fully drain a toilet perplexes many homeowners, and with good reason. This fixture has water flowing through it all the time and is connected to a very large drain pipe, but it's not built with a system for getting all of the water out of the bowl—or even the tank. More than one homeowner has been surprised when they unbolt the toilet from the floor and lift it up only to be greeted with a small deluge of water spilling out of the toilet bowl or tank onto the floor.

White ceramic toilet surrounded by tan tiles closeup

The Spruce / Sarah Lee

When emptying a toilet bowl, it's especially important to get all of the water out of the trap (a cavity just beyond the hole in the bottom of the bowl that contains water at all times). You can usually empty the trap through the toilet bowl, but be aware that there might be residual water inside the base. The best method for completely draining the tank and bowl sometimes depends on whether or not the toilet is clogged. You may need to combine several methods in order to get the toilet completely water free.

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Toilet plunger
  • Rubber gloves
  • Flexible hose
  • Cup or small bowl
  • Sponge
  • Bucket
  • Wet-dry shop vacuum


  • Water (to fill flexible hose)


Materials and tools to drain out a toilet

The Spruce / Sarah Lee

  1. Turn Off the Water and Flush

    The first step to draining a toilet is to turn off the water supply and flush. This removes most of the water from the tank and the bowl. However, you should do this only if the toilet is not clogged. If it is clogged, move directly to plunging (see below).

    Locate the shutoff valve (a small valve often with a football-shaped handle). It will be located where the water supply pipe emerges from the wall or floor and will usually be connected to a supply tube running to the toilet on the bottom left side of the tank. Turn the handle of this shutoff valve clockwise until it stops.

    Next, flush the toilet, holding down the flush lever until the tank is as empty as possible. The small amount of water left in the bottom of the tank can be removed with sponging. Sponging can also work to remove any remaining water in the toilet bowl (see below).

    White ceramic toilet being flushed by hand with yellow gloves

    The Spruce / Sarah Lee


    Be aware that old shutoff valves sometimes stop functioning correctly. There is a chance that the toilet's shutoff valve will no longer fully shut off the water supply. If this is the case, you may need to shut off the main water supply valve for the entire house before you drain the toilet.

  2. Plunge Out the Water

    Plunging helps to remove the water from the toilet bowl whether the drain is clogged or not. The plunging motion pushes the water out of the bowl, through the trap, and down the drain (provided the clog is in the toilet, not the drain). This may be the best method to use if the toilet drain is clogged and you cannot flush the water from the tank without causing the bowl to overflow.

    After shutting off the water supply valve, place the flange of a toilet plunger (also called a closet plunger) firmly into the drain hole in the bottom of the toilet bowl. Plunge with an up-and-down motion to get most of the water out of the bowl. This should force out any clog into the drain.

    Flush the toilet to empty the tank. If the clog has been removed, the water should flow freely through the bowl and down the drain, leaving you with only a small amount of water remaining.

    Plunge again to force out most of the remaining water in the bowl. There is likely to be a small amount of water left, both in the bottom of the tank and in the bottom of the bowl trap, but this remaining water can be removed by sponging (see below). 

    White ceramic toilet plunging out water with black plunger and yellow gloves

    The Spruce / Sarah Lee

  3. Siphon Out the Water

    Siphoning requires a short, flexible hose that you don't mind getting dirty. You'll probably want to wear rubber gloves because you'll have to dip one hand into the toilet water. This method is effective only if there is no paper or other material in the bowl.

    As with the other methods, first you'll turn off the water supply to the bowl and flush to empty the tank. Then, fill up the hose completely with water from a sink or tub and plug the openings at both ends of the hose with your thumbs so that no water escapes. 

    Set one end of the hose into the toilet bowl, and direct the other end into a bucket so that the bucket end is lower than the water surface in the bowl (a low flat bucket is best here).

    Release your thumbs from both ends of the hose. The water will begin draining and will continue as long as you keep the bowl end submerged in water and keep the bucket end lower than the bowl.

    You can use the same method to empty the tank if, for some reason, flushing doesn't work.

    White ceramic toilet siphoning out water with green flexible hose

    The Spruce / Sarah Lee

  4. Bail Out the Water

    A cup or small bowl works for bailing water out of a toilet bowl or tank. Even the cap from a can of hairspray or spray paint can reach low enough to scoop out the majority of the water. You'll need to reach into the very bottom of the bowl to empty the water from the toilet's trap.

    White ceramic toilet bailing out water with laundry bottle cap and yellow gloves

    The Spruce / Sarah Lee

  5. Sponge Out the Water

    After you've tried one or more methods to empty the toilet, there will very likely be a small amount of water in the toilet bowl or in the very bottom of the toilet tank. A large, absorbent sponge will remove this residual water surprisingly quickly. Wear rubber gloves and squeeze the sponged water into a bucket as you absorb it from the tank or bowl.

    Pink sponge soaking up water from white ceramic toilet bowl with yellow gloves

    The Spruce / Sarah Lee

  6. Vacuum Out the Water

    A wet-dry vac makes quick work of draining a toilet but is recommended only if the toilet water is clean. Make sure to remove the filter in the vacuum (to prepare it for "wet" mode), and be careful not to overfill the vacuum bin with water. You don't want to slosh through the house carrying a heavy vacuum bin full of toilet water. 

    Wet-dry vacuum hose sucking up water to drain white ceramic toilet with yellow gloves

    The Spruce / Sarah Lee

  • How do you flush a toilet that won't drain?

    If you’re trying to drain a clogged toilet, attempt the plunging method first. Plunge up and down to get as much water out of the bowl as possible, and then try flushing. Remaining water can be removed via sponging. 

  • How do you unclog a toilet when water is high?

    Bail out some of the water, so you’re able to use the plunger without splashing water everywhere. Then, manually plunge the toilet to remove the water. 

  • Does pouring boiling water down a toilet unclog it?

    You can try pouring hot water down a toilet to help break up clogs, but boiling water can melt PVC piping and damage the porcelain. Instead, squirting in a bit of dish soap can help to lubricate clogs and make them easier to break up with plunging.